Personal training is my passion.

I love every aspect of it. I love the positive life impact it makes on peoples' lives, what it represents, the hard working clients, and the creativity of an innovative fitness program.

Growing up in Brazil, I became interested in fitness at a young age and went on to study physical education before moving to the United States in the early 2000s. I now have over 11 years experience working as a fitness professional. Many of those years I spent managing personal training programs at large health clubs like Equinox, and worked with some of the best personal trainers in the business. In 2011, I went on to launch my own personal training venture: Leo Results Fitness.

I believe in making personal fitness an attainable goal for anybody who is ready to improve their health and overall sense of physical and mental wellbeing. I help my clients take goals that they once believed to be out of reach and pull them back into the realm of possibility. To do this, I work to simplify the training process. I like to tell my clients, the more you put into it, the more you get. Commit yourself to the process, and you can leave the rest up to me. It really is as simple as that.

Once I have a clear understanding of my clients’ goals I develop tailored workout programs to get them to the place they envision. Over the years I have developed programs for a wide range of individuals with almost every objective imaginable.

Let me be your guide and lead you down the path to reaching your fitness goals.